Splunk .conf2016
Walt Disney World Swan and Dolphin Resorts, Orlando
September 26-29, 2016
Ticket Value: $1695
StackState is proud to be a Giga Sponsor of the 7th annual Splunk .conf2016, and so we are giving away 3 conference tickets*. This includes your choice of conference talks, access to all content produced, and a chance to get insights into ground breaking new technology that will inevitably make you a better IT professional!
How can I win a ticket?
Eyeballing through multiple tools, dashboards, metrics, events, batch runs and log files to understand what happened is a tough job. Ever wished for a tool that ties all this information together and provides you one contextual overview of your dynamically changing infrastructure?
Well, you're in luck! StackState aggregates all available information in one view and provides contextual insights and investigation into the health of the entire IT stack. Sound like something you could use and do you want to win a ticket to .conf2016? We want to hear from you!
1. Fill out the form to enter the contest.
2. Check your email inbox for further instructions.
3. Reply and give us an example of your biggest monitoring challenge.
We will contact the winners by email, so be sure to use your real email address!
*Please note that although StackState have the .conf2016 ticket covered, this contest does not include the costs of accomodation and travel. The entry deadline is Wednesday August 24th 2016, and the winners will be announced shortly thereafter.